Multimedia Clips to accompany Comedian starring Jerry Seinfeld

Bob Costas interviews Jerry Seinfeld about Comedian (takes a moment to load, but must-see TV)

Charlie Rose interviews Jerry Seinfeld

Steve Martin talks about his life and career with Charlie Rose

An Appreciation of George Carlin (in memoriam)

Charlie Rose interviews "Seinfeld" creator, Larry David

Tavis Smiley interviews Tony Bennett (audio and transcript)

The Three Emanuels (Rahm, Ezekial and Ari) speak with Charlie Rose (great stuff about family dynamics)

Comedians Remember George Carlin on Larry King Live

A conversation with Kay Ryan, U.S. Poet Laureate with James Billington, Librarian of Congress (Charlie Rose Show)

An hour with Pulitzer Prize-winning author David McCullough (talks about education in interesting ways in first 10 minutes)

1996 Charlie Rose interview with Chris Rock

Benjamin Zander at PopTech giving a public cello lesson