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1:1 Symposium

Irving, Texas
November 13-14, 2009

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Supporting Materials for Gary's presentation - The Best Educational Ideas in the World



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Gary's Blog

Follow on Twitter Articles and papers by Dr. Stager About Gary

Gary's Latest Newsletter
lots of resources

Gary's Favorite Books for Creative Modern Educators

Gary's Blog, Stager-to-Go

Gary's articles in The Huffington PostT

RSS Constructing Modern Knowledge Blog

Want to know who is trying to takeover public education? Read Gary Stager's cover story, School Wars, from GOOD Magazine

Gary Stager's article about Australian Deputy PM Julia Gillard's education adviser, Educators can learn nothing from Chancellor Klein’s visit (from Crikey)

Gary Stager's recent spotlight presentation from the National Educational Computing Conference (high-quality video) - Learning Adventures: Transforming Real and Virtual Learning Environments

Gary Stager's recent keynote debate from NECC - Recipe for a Disruptive Keynote

Articles and papers by Dr. Stager

My manifesto forexcellent teachers and principals

Computing and the Internet in Schools: An International Perspective on Developments and Directions
From the archives, a monograph written by Gary S. Stager, Ph.D. in 1996

Learning Adventures: A new approach for transforming real and virtual classroom environments - Paper for ACEC 2008

A New Paradigm for Evaluating the Learning Potential of an EdTech Activity - Paper for ACEC 2008

The Original Twenty Things to Do With a Computer (1971) by Seymour Papert

Teaching Children Thinking (1971) by Seymour Papert

What Makes a Good Project? (2008) by Gary Stager

Daniel Pink's book, "A Whole New Mind," Worst book of the 21st Century (review by Gary Stager)
high school student discussions of the book with Gary Stager, period 4 and period 5

Join the Constructivist Consortium!

Laptop Woes
Bungling the world's easiest sale
An abridged version appears in the October 2005 issue of District Administration

Why Thomas Friedman Does Not Compute
Gary's critical review of The World is Flat and the education community's knee-jerk reaction to it.
Published in the December 2005 issue of District Administration

A Schoolmaster of the Great City: A Progressive Education Pioneer's Vision for Urban Schools (book from 1917) by Angelo Patri
Planet Papert (a work in progress)
Seymour Papert Recovery Fund

Educational Podcasting Resources
Build a Low-cost Podcasting Studio

Cool Software

Programming Environments for Learners

The Coolest Magazines in the World for You and Your Students - 4 issues/year

Recommended Books Discussed in Some Presentations

  • Learn about "micronations" and think of creative curricular connections. Lonely Planet has just published a tour book for those of you interested in traveling to some of the world's micronations. Unfortunately, Talossa is no longer accepting reservations. Read Lonely Planet Micronations.

Articles by Gary Stager

rss Gary's Articles in The Pulse: Education's Place for Debate (subscribe via RSS)

Has Educational Computing Jumped the Shark? (ACEC 2006 Paper)

Receptive Teaching Self-reflection Tool

School Wars, a cover story by Gary Stager in GOOD Magazine. September/October 2008 issue.

It's 3AM and the White House Wants to Change Your Math Curriculum
a collection of responses to the President's National Math Report

Refreshing the ISTE Technology Standards
Senior Editor Gary Stager interviews Don Knezek, CEO of ISTE, on the revised National Educational Technology Standards(NETS). Plus: Stager's perspective.
Published in the June 2007 issue of District Administration

Keep the Wish List Short
Giving parents a laundry list of supplies to buy is lousy public relations and exacerbates economic hardships.
Published in the July 2008 issue of District Administration

What's a Computer For? Part II
Computer science is the new basic skill.
Published in the July 2008 issue of District Administration

What's a Computer For? Part 1
It all depends on your educational philosophy.
Published in the June 2008 issue of District Administration

Online Videoconferencing
Web tools such as uStream make video broadcasting accessible.
Published in the June 2008 issue of District Administration

Keeping Up with the Future
Consider these suggestions for staying informed and inspired.
Published in the May 2008 issue of District Administration

The Games Teachers Play
We are cheating our students by turning reading into a game of dodgeball.
Published in the April 2008 issue of District Administration

Public Schools?
Be wary of a gift that might squash the benefits of public education.
Published in the April 2008 issue of District Administration

Please Say Thank You!
The time is now to thank your mentors and heroes.
Published in the March 2008 issue of District Administration

Teach the Kids You Have
There is no substitute for getting to know every student.
Published in the February 2008 issue of District Administration

Landscape of a Lifetime
Herb Kohl reflects on education today.
Published in the January 2008 issue of District Administration

Beyoncé Feels Your Pain
Let's all make a simple New Year's resolution.
Published in the January 2008 issue of District Administration

Gift-Giving Books
Book suggestions for learners of all ages.
Enhanced version of article that appeared in the December 2007 issue of District Administration

Arts for All!
There should be nothing elective about arts education.
Published in the December 2007 issue of District Administration

Lessons You Can't Learn in a Book
Boeing makes my favorite educational technology. Gary takes another hard look at The World is Flat.
Published in the November 2007 issue of District Administration

Stop the Insanity
Simple strategies to address the growing epidemic of at-risk learners.
Published in the October 2007 issue of District Administration

Shaq's Big Challenge
The gentle giant is schooled on schooling.
Published in the September 2007 issue of District Administration

My Plan to Fix NCLB
Federally-guaranteed universal summer camp. Save a seat for me!
Published in the August 2007 issue of District Administration

No Double Half-Caf Venti Low-Fat Mochaccino Left Behind
A challenge for school leaders.
Published in the July 2007 issue of District Administration

Oprah's Edifice Complex
What lessons for educators emerge from Oprah Winfrey’s $40 million school?
Published in the June 2007 issue of District Administration

Edugaming - A Bad Idea for All Ages
Published in the May 2007 issue of District Administration

The Truth Shall Set You Free
We all need to brush up on African-American history
Published in the February 2007 issue of District Administration

School Network Policies Threaten Our Democracy
An article published in The Pulse: Education's Place for Debate (January 2007)

An Inconvenient Truth
Questions about student happiness are neither rhetorical nor frivolous
Published in the January 2007 issue of District Administration

Education's Most Dangerous Idea: Curriculum
An unpublished article by Gary Stager (October 2006)

Students Gone Wild
Cutting out the middle man - Me
Published in the December 2006 issue of District Administration

Homework Vs. the Happy Family
I often thought that my family would never argue, had it not been for school
Published in the November 2006 issue of District Administration

Reinventing the Square Wheel
Is your district choking the potential out of exciting new technologies?
Published in the October 2006 issue of District Administration

An Open Letter to Bill Gates
Don't give up on schools, there is still much to be done
Published in the August 2006 issue of District Administration

Unwind, Recharge, Bounce Back
Summer reading to make you a better educator
Published in the July 2006 issue of District Administration

Laptops in Adolescence
Growing pains and disappointing the elders
Published in the June 2006 issue of District Administration

Guess Why They Call it MySpace?
It's Time for Adults to Grow Up
Published in the May 2006 issue of District Administration

Sounds Great, Less Expensive
Will your school impede the creative development of your students or embrace tools that let you get out of the way? (Related to iLife '06)
Published in the March 2006 issue of District Administration

Why Thomas Friedman Does Not Compute
Gary's critical review of The World is Flat and the education community's knee-jerk reaction to it.
Published in the December 2005 issue of District Administration

Laptop Woes
Bungling the world's easiest sale
An abridged version appears in the October 2005 issue of District Administration

Gary Stager on Tech Insurgents
Do Your Teachers Need a Computing IEP?
Published in the June 2005 issue of District Administration

The Human Divide
Education is the wrong career for martyrs
Published in the Feburary 2006 issue of District Administration

Jonathan Kozol Takes on The World - By Gary Stager
This educator's latest book shines a bright light on what he calls this country's big shame -- not only are cities segregated, but the education we offer those city children is markedly worse.
Published in the January 2006 issue of District Administration

The Elephant in the Room
Race and Class in America
Published in the January 2006 issue of District Administration

Radical Reformer
Dennis Littky drew on his 30 years of education innovation to create a new school model. Now he won't be satisfied until he replicates it throughout the country. (An extensive interview with Gary Stager)
Published in the November 2005 issue of District Administration

NSBA 2007 Recipient - Gary Stager

Free Podcast of Gary Stager's NECC NECC
2006 Spotlight Session

Preventing Your 1:1 Dreams form Becoming Nightmares
listen to on the web

Podcasting in Education
A large and growing collection of resources for teachers and students interested in podcasting

Comparative Review of Online Photo Services

The Educational Technology Canon (pdf)
What informed leaders in educational technology should read.
Published in the June 2004 issue of District Administration

Download SWIKI Server Software
Get the free SWIKI collaborative software for Mac, Windows and Linux here.

Places to publish your large files online for free or at low-cost:

The Pew Internet and American Life Project (reports galore)

A fantastic site for young people all over the world interested in making the planet a better place to live.


Image-sharing Sites:

Stuff I Like
A collection of links to my favorite software tools

Creative Commons
Information wants to be free. Learn about it all here.

Texting Teenagers are Proving “more literate than ever before” (research)
Fears that text messaging has ruined the ability of teenagers to write properly may be unfounded. The two-year study found that in spite of an increase in “colloquial words, informal phrases and text-messaging’s teenagers are using far more complex sentence structures, a wider vocabulary and a more accurate use of capital letters, punctuation and spelling.”


Gary Stager's role in the history of classroom-based "laptop learning" is documented in the book, Never Mind the Laptops: Kids, Computers and the Transformation of Learning, by Bob Johnstone.

The Case for Computing
A chapter from the book, Snapshots! Educational Insights from the Thornburg Center

A Not-so-funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Future

The International Society for Technology in Education invited Gary to write a column for their newspaper, The Daily Leader, distributed at the 2004 National Educational Computing Conference in New Orleans. read more

Free new newsletter

Gary's New Newsletter

The ISTE Problem
ISTE's vague standards and an exclusionary "seal of alignment" make one wonder whose side the group is on.
Published in the February 2003 issue of District Administration

Laptop Woes
Bungling the world's easiest sale
An abridged version appears in the October 2005 issue of District Administration

Gary Stager on How Computers May Save Music Education
Express Yourself Over Summer Vacation
Published in the July 2005 issue of District Administration

Gary Stager on Tech Insurgents
Do Your Teachers Need a Computing IEP?
Published in the June 2005 issue of District Administration

Gary Stager on High-Quality Online Education
How to make your online courses better than your traditional classes.
Published in the May 2005 issue of District Administration

Gary Stager on The iPod Revolution
Are you ready for personal computing?
Published in the March 2005 issue of District Administration

Gary Stager on Tips for Effective Ed Tech
17 creative ways to enhance computer use in your district
Published in the February 2005 issue of District Administration

Gary Stager on the State of Ed Tech
Why the tech movement is on life support
Published in the January 2005 issue of District Administration

Gary Stager on the State of Ed Tech
Why the tech movement is on life support
Published in the January 2005 issue of District Administration

Let them Eat Tech Standards!
A hole in the wall as science and public policy
Published in the May 2004 issue of District Administration

When Pigs Fly - Part Two
Gary Stager's Technology Plan for America's Schools - Part Two
Published in the April 2004 issue of District Administration

When Pigs Fly - Part One
Gary Stager's Technology Plan for America's Schools - Part One
Published in the March 2004 issue of District Administration

The great thing about Gary is that he never gives up. He was there at the beginning of the great transformation of learning via the medium of portable computers, at the first school to implement laptops, Methodist Ladies College, Melbourne, in 1990. Fifteen years later, Gary's still at the forefront, still showing the way, still walking the walk in his inimitable style.

His work - particularly among the most challenged students, like the juvenile offenders incarcerated at the Maine Youth Center -- provides conclusive proof that kids can learn better through the intelligent use of technology.

- Bob Johnstone, author of Never Mind the Laptops: Kids, Computers and the Transformation of Learning,, the premiere history of laptops in education









Gary Stager is one of the true pioneers of the 1:1 laptop movement.  His work in this area includes looking beyond the laptops to their effective application by students as true tools for learning.  Rather than seeing 1:1 computing as a vehicle for replicating older educational models, Gary sees it as a chance to transform educational practice in ways that truly prepare young people for lifelong learning.

- Dr. David Thornburg
Noted futurist, author, consultant
Thornburg Center for Professional Development

Gary is an outstanding educator who makes a powerful impact on teachers, parents and students. Gary worked with our school for five days. During that time, I was able to observe him leading faculty meetings, facilitating parent question and answer sessions and working with students in whole class settings. In each case, Gary provided quality instruction, insight and modeling of effective practices. He was able to quickly identify our specific needs and tailored his workshops and interactions accordingly. Gary is an enthusiastic, committed practitioner who challenges the status quo in a manner that promotes inquiry, reflection and substantive change. Gary keeps student learning as his central focus and left our teachers, students and parents energized and motivated to expand their view of how the learning environment can be restructured to improve engagement, motivation and achievement. Overall, it was an outstanding week and we appreciated all that Gary had to offer. 

- Lisa Mireles , Assistant Superintendent: American School of Bombay, India


Pointing in the Wrong Direction
PowerPoint is ruining classes by depriving students and teachers of creativity
Published in the January 2004 issue of District Administration

Why teachers don't use computers
Blocked Web sites, IT staff that exist to hinder staff, and restrictive policies make integrating technology too hard to overcome. No other column by Gary Stager has generated so many negative responses.
Published in the December 2002 issue of District Administration

Laptops in Education - Reinventing the Slate
What Silicon Valley Giveth, Schools Taketh Away
Published in the March 2003 issue of District Administration

Who Moved My Stalag?
Awakening the Leader Within
This is perhaps Gary's most provocative column yet. read more
Published in the October 2003 issue of District Administration

Leader to Leader
Inspiration for The Year Ahead from some of America's leading educators.
Published in the September 2003 issue of District Administration

The End of Textbooks
With so many vital sources of information available to students, why are schools slavishly holding onto textbooks? Digital textbooks may be worse than the real thing.
Published in the June 2003 issue of District Administration

False Profits: Expertise and Educational Computing
An extremely provocative critique of the state of educational computing by Gary Stager (April 2001)

In Defense of Seventh Grade Laptops
An unpublished letter to the editor of The Portland Press Herald newspaper (November 2000)

Laptop Schools Lead the Way in Professional Development
Gary's October 1995 article from the pages of Educational Leadership

Telling the Hyped from the Helpful
An Interview with Gary Stager for the CUE Newsletter by Stephen Marcus.

Laptops in School - A Wonderfully Cautionary Tale
This new major reflection on 10 years of work in 'laptop schools' will appear as a chapter in a book about laptop learning published by the Children's Technology Foundation entitled, Transforming Learning. For more information, click here

About Gary Stager
For 27 years, Gary Stager, an internationally recognized educator, speaker and consultant, has helped learners of all ages on six continents embrace the power of computers as intellectual laboratories and vehicles for self-expression. He led professional development in the world's first laptop schools (1990), has designed online graduate school programs since the mid-90s, is a collaborator in the MIT Media Lab's Future of Learning Group and a member of the One Laptop Per Child Foundation's Learning Team. Mr. Stager's doctoral research involved the creation a high-tech alternative learning environment for incarcerated at-risk teens. Recent work includes teaching and mentoring some of Australia's "most troubled" public schools. Gary was Senior Editor of District Administration Magazine and Founding Editor of The Pulse: Education’s Place for Debate. He is currently Visiting Professor at Pepperdine University, an Associate of the Thornburg Center for Professional Development and the Executive Director of The Constructivist Consortium. In 1999, Converge Magazine named Gary a "shaper of our future and inventor of our destiny." The National School Boards Association recognized Dr. Stager with the distinction of "20 Leaders to Watch" in 2007.

Dr. Stager was a keynote speaker at the 2009 National Educational Computing Conference before an audience of more than 4,000 educators. He was also a Visiting Scholar at The University of Melbourne's Trinity College during the summer of 2009.

Recently, Gary was the new media producer for The Brian Lynch/Eddie Palmieri Project - Simpatíco, 2007 Grammy Award Winner for Best Latin Jazz Album of the Year. Dr. Stager is also a contributor to The Huffington Post.

. (more biographical info at

Gary has worked with schools, conferences and other institutions around the world and welcomes the opportunity to speak at your next event or design effective professional development services for your school.



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